#Urban GreenUP


Leading the fight against climate change

The URBAN GreenUP city of Valladolid has won the III Edition of the "Climate Leaders Awards" in the category of "Local Admin (...)


Nature on the roof

A green roof has been installed on the El Campillo municipal market in Valladolid (Spain). The intervention is one of the (...)


A post for bees

Join #Flowers4Bees and help spread the word about one of the most dangerous environmental threats: the progressive extinction (...)


Tackling the barriers that keep nature off the cities

The URBAN GreenUP analysis on obstacles hampering the implementation of Nature-Based Solutions and the related countermeasure (...)


Good governance: a key to Re-naturing Urban Plans’ success

Izmir organized its first International Green Infrastructure Workshop to highlight the governments’ role in moulding policies (...)
