

Towards European legislation to promote sustainable resource management

The Association négaWatt has co-written an open letter signed by over 100 organisations (NGOs, academics, think tanks, trade (...)


The integration of adaptation policies in Europe scrutinized by Climate Chance

The Climate Chance Observatory has just published a new analysis which explores the governance framework at European, nationa (...)


Highlights of "T'es COP ou pas CAP / To COP or not to COPE" on video

The Buildings and Climate Global pre-Forum, "T'es Cop ou pas Cap?", organised by Construction21, was held on March 6th 2 (...)


Construction21 athletes wish you a happy new year 2024

It is with renewed energy that Construction21 wishes you a happy and sporty 2024. Even if the road ahead is not going to (...)


The tool is cool: instruments and solutions for effective energy and climate planning – EU online roundtable

Cities are the main contributors to pollution and climate change, but they have also the potential of becoming a real driving (...)


Buildings and Climate Global Forum

The first global forum on "Buildings and Climate", co-organized by France and the United Nations Environment Programme (...)


Buildings and Climate Global Forum: submit your projects, solutions, and initiatives

The first "Buildings and Climate Global Forum”, co-organised by France and the United Nations Environment Programme, will (...)


Tackling Energy Poverty In Europe: Time To Renovate Buildings!

In 2023, 41 million EU citizens (9.3% of the population) couldn’t afford proper heating due to a cost-of-living crisis and (...)


World Sustainable Energy Days 2024

Energy transition now – fast, smart, resilient! No time like now for the energy transition! Price fluctuations, geopolitical (...)


Transforming Urban Sustainability: new study reveals cities’ crucial contribution to meeting decarbonisation goals

New research on ScienceDirect sheds light on cities' key role in combating climate change and aligning local energy plans (...)


The practice of climate adaptation in a challenging environment

“In five years from now, there will be at least 100 European regions with a transformative climate adaptation plan, and ready (...)


Building Resilient Commercial Buildings to Withstand Natural Disasters and Climate Change

  Resiliency is an essential aspect of a commercial building as this will decide how long the commercial buildings shall (...)


Climate Chance Conference Africa 2023

The Climate Chance Association will bring together on the 23rd and 24th of October 2023 in Yaounde, at the Institut Français (...)


New project on adaptive housing design to face climate change

How will low-energy homes perform under the context of future climate scenarios? What are the risks for occupants? and what (...)


Level(s) and the New European Bauhaus: support EU efforts to build a sustainable future

A new European Commission publication shows how buildings professionals can contribute to the New European Bauhaus movement (...)