Paris-Saclay urban campus: a 5th generation heating and cooling grid in practice in France!

The Paris-Saclay district heating and cooling grid, which is one of the most innovative district heating and cooling grids in Europe, is a demonstrator for the European D2Grids project.

In figures

  • 25km of network running discreetly under public roads.
  • 650,000 m2 connected, representing more than 50 MW of cumulative heating and cooling capacity.
  • An objective of 50% of the energy used is renewable and recovered, allowing the production of heat that is mainly carbon-free.
  • 24 / 24 The grid is controlled automatically, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • 1st time that a heating and cooling exchange of urban scale is built in France on a temperate loop.
  • 1 of the 5 European demonstrators of the 5th generation grids (5GDHC) in the framework of the Interreg NWE D2Grids project.

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