[Webinar] US-EU exchange: How to achieve energy-efficient and affordable housing ? What are the EU and US objectives and initiatives in place ?

2607 International - Last modified by the author on 02/09/2021 - 13:57
[Webinar] US-EU exchange: How to achieve energy-efficient and affordable housing ? What are the EU and US objectives and initiatives in place ?


[Webinar] US-EU exchange: How to achieve energy-efficient and affordable housing

September 23, 4:00pm – 6:00pm CEST | 10:00am – 12am EST

What are the EU and US objectives and initiatives in place to combat energy poverty and lead a just, green transition?

Following the first webinar of the series – Advancing a climate-neutral recovery, the second will focus on the EU and US objectives and initiatives to achieve energy efficient and affordable housing. Energy poverty is a growing issue globally and affordable and energy efficient housing is essential to combat energy poverty while leading a just, green transition.

With an ever-increasing amount of extreme weather, the ability to heat and cool homes affordably and without severe environmental impact is more essential than ever. However, financing such measures and upgrades can be difficult, especially for vulnerable and energy-poor communities. 

While energy efficiency measures can lead to significant financial savings in the long-run, capital costs can inhibit implementation for vulnerable households or affordable housing companies. Energy retrofitting of affordable housing therefore faces specific financial challenges, but also has the potential benefit to simultaneously improve energy efficiency, health, and wellbeing.  

The webinar will provide an overarching view of the nexus between affordable, efficient housing and a just transition. The panel discussion will take a deeper look at some programmes in the EU and US targeting energy poverty. The Q+A and panel discussions will allow for a deeper look at solutions to address the challenge of energy poverty, affordable housing, and energy efficiency.





Housekeeping and agenda: Oliver Rapf, Executive Director, BPIE

Session 1: The role of energy efficient buildings in a just transition

Keynote – The way forward: the importance of affordable, efficient housing in the EU
MEP Kim Van Sparrentak – The EU Affordable Housing Initiative (European Commission)

Keynote – Ted Toon, Director for Housing Efficiency at the White House Council on Environmental Quality

Q+A session

Session 2: Making energy efficiency happen – affordable housing programmes in progress

Grand Parc Project Bordeaux (France) – TBC
Tanya Hristova, Mayor of Gabrovo – TBC
Andrea Mancino, Executive Vice President, New York, Bright Power
Maria Vargas, Senior Program Advisor, US Department of Energy

Q+A session

Closing remarks: Oliver Rapf, Executive Director, BPIE

23/09 - 23/09/2021
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Jo Junkel

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