Getting involved in 5th generation district heating and cooling grids: the toolbox!


Getting involved in 5th generation district heating and cooling grids: the toolbox!

The D2Grids project has put together a toolkit to help understand everything about heating and cooling grids, in particular the fifth generation (the 5GDHC, a concept developed and promoted by the D2Grids project), and to support their deployment in European cities. The toolkit includes websites, e-learning, an industrial alliance, and an interactive 3D map.

The 5GDHC platform provides a brief introduction to 5GDHC grids, explaining their functioning and benefits. The website also presents the results of the D2Grids project, including the technical solutions that were developed and recommendations for the deployment of 5GDHC grids in cities.
The Interreg platform provides more detailed information about the D2Grids project, its partners and its results. It also features the project's pilot sites with 5GDHC heating and cooling grids.

Tangui Lieugard from Greenflex explains it in video!


In addition to these websites, Open Universiteit offers online training courses on 5GDHC heating and cooling grids. These trainings are free and accessible to everyone! The first course provides an introduction to 5GDHC, while the second course goes deeper into the technical and economic aspects.

Anna Bronzes from Open Universiteit explains it in video!


Moreover, the D2Grids project has established an industrial alliance to promote 5GDHC and support their deployment. This alliance brings together companies, professional organisations, and consumer associations from the energy sector, as well as European cities and regions. The alliance aims to develop technical standards, share best practices, and facilitate collaboration between the different actors involved in the implementation of fifth generation heating and cooling grids.

Nordic Energy has developed a 3D Interactive map of the East Midlands, England, that allows users to explore the region's heat demands and development opportunities for 5GDHC. The map was created by Director Stephen Hayes and integrates multiple datasets for detailed analysis.

Users can scan across the 3D map to see the layout of cities, towns, or villages in the East Midlands. By hovering over buildings, users can see a selection of data and information points and access all strategic data and information for the development of the grids, such as their EPC ratings. This makes it a powerful tool for understanding the energy efficiency of buildings and identifying areas that would benefit from the implementation of 5GDHC grids.

The 3D Interactive map is also useful for bringing complex projects to life for diverse audiences. It allows stakeholders to visualize the potential impact of 5GDHC grids on the region and provides a platform for discussing the opportunities and challenges of implementing heating and cooling grids.

Mark Woodward from Nordic Energy explains it in video! (French)

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