
The Future of the Built Environment – UNEP-SBCI Symposium

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2224 Last modified by the author on 01/04/2014 - 17:16


On May 12th and 13th, don't miss the The Future of the Built Environment : Sustainability, Carbon Neutrality and Beyond, a UNEP-SBCI Conference co-organized by the CaGBC Quebec Chapter, Quebec International and Quebec Wood Export Bureau.  The event will bring together international experts and will lauch the 10th anniversary of the CaGBC Quebec Chapter.  On May 12th, participants may choose to attend the UNEP-SBCI Annual General Meeting as observers or to the activities of the 10th Anniversary Quebec Chapter Conference. May 13th will be solely devoted to the UNEP-SBCI Symposium "Climate Neutral Buildings: On the Road to Paris 2015".

The whole two-day program will offer you keynote speakers, green building tours, exemplary case studies, expert panels, as well as an evening Gala not to be missed on the night of the 12th, with the intervention of an awaited international keynote speaker. Book your tickets now



Download the preliminary program:

















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