Look back on the day dedicated to the 5th generation local energy loops during Paris-Saclay Spring!

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D2Grids Project

2677 Last modified by the author on 25/05/2022 - 00:00
Look back on the day dedicated to the 5th generation local energy loops during Paris-Saclay Spring!

As a pilot site for the D2Grids project, the EPA Paris-Saclay is home to a 5th generation heating and cooling network that benefits a number of players on the southern Paris area of Paris Saclay. It was on this site, and particularly at the Ecole Polytechnique, that the D2Grids project partners met on May 12. The aim was to offer the public a day around the 5GDHC networks on the occasion of the "Paris-Saclay Spring" event.

Construction21 is the communication partner of the European project D2Grids, which aims to deploy 5th generation district heating and cooling networks across Europe. We invite you to follow the news of this innovative and promising project through its quarterly newsletter.

A conference to present the structuring elements of the management and operation of 5GDHC networks

During the conference, the experts of the European D2Grids project presented the structuring elements of the management and operation of 5GDHC networks, through several European examples. This was an opportunity for the participants to better understand and take part in the development of 5GDHC networks.

  • Mathilde Henry from GreenFlex and Guillaume Perrin from FNCCR started by explaining the 5 principles of the concept after a historical reminder of the development of district heating networks. Unlike traditional district heating, the 5GDHC is a smart thermal network based on a local loop of low temperature type.
  • Nicolas Eyraud and Mawya Rahal then presented the 5GDHC network of Paris Saclay, which is equipped with a collective self-consumption demonstrator and supplies heat and cold to the campus' housing and infrastructure.
  • The Brunssum pilot site in the Netherlands was also honored for its results in energy efficiency and decarbonization.

Learn more about Brunssum pilot site in video!

Finally, Helen Carlström brought back from Sweden a valuable feedback on the ectogrid network implemented at Medicon Village in Lund.

If you missed this highlight, don't panic: it is available in replay!

Watch the replay video


A serious game to put yourself in a situation of roll out of a 5GDHC network in your city and understand the inherent challenges

Following the conference, participants were invited to an interactive role-play game organized by D2Grids partner Open Universiteit.  This workshop consisted in immersing oneself in a hypothetical scenario in where a district heating company organizes a meeting in order to deploy a heating and cooling grid in the city of Orleans.


Participants were then divided into groups according to different roles:

  • The social landlord  
  • The workspace management company.  
  • The local authority  
  • The wastewater treatment plant  
  • And finally, the district heating company seeking to deploy this network.

Accompanied by a moderator, the challenge for each team was to establish a coherent and balanced strategy between their own interests and the common interests of all stakeholders.

How to connect to the network? What funding? What can the network bring to us?

Congratulations to all the participants who took the game very seriously!

A visit to the site of the local tempered loop of the Paris-Saclay heating and cooling grid

This day dedicated to 5th generation networks could not take place without a visit to the heating and cooling grid of the Paris-Saclay, a fine example of a 5GDHC network already in operation.  Nicolas Eyraud, project manager, took the participants on a tour of the heating and cooling network of the EPA Paris-Saclay. The entrance to the machine room was allowed to the curious who had volunteered for the visit.
Designed around the largest tempered loop in France, the heat and cold exchange network of Paris-Saclay is fed by the Albien underground water table, which is at a constant and inexhaustible temperature of 30°C. To make the most of this energy, boreholes have been drilled 700 meters deep in each of the ZACs in the École Polytechnique and Moulon districts, in partnership with the Syndicat des Eaux d'Île-de-France. These geothermal wells allow water to be pumped at 30°C and then, after extracting its calories, to be reinjected into the Albien. It thus makes it possible to divide CO2 emissions by 4!

However, this is only the tip of the iceberg: in total, there are 25 km of pipes snaking under the feet of the residents of Paris-Saclay to deliver heat and cold to 650,000 m2!

Find out more with the case study of the Paris-Saclay network!



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