ePANACEA Implementation of innovative certification schemes

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Iliana Economou

2878 Last modified by the author on 18/02/2021 - 14:26
ePANACEA Implementation of innovative certification schemes

The report "Next Generation of EPCs and Quality Convergence across the EU: Implementation of Innovative Certification Schemes" aims to tackle current EPC challenges by proposing new features for implementation within existing schemes.

The document first summarises the state-of-the-art regarding European and international certification schemes. Based on this review, a catalogue of new and innovative features is developed, where features are grouped into eleven categories, according to the main key aspects to be taken into account within a building certification scheme.

The catalogue of features enables the individual evaluation of each feature and its prioritisation for inclusion into current certification schemes at MS level, with the objective of meeting the ISO 52000 series requirements as well as improving current EPC schemes across the EU in terms of accuracy, convergence of quality, reliability, trust and user friendliness from the end-user perspective. In parallel, it allows the definition of those combinations of measures which are most suitable and feasible to be integrated under the ePANACEA methodology. After this first assessment, a new EPC workflow is proposed as part of the upcoming ePANACEA methodology.

According to the research conducted, a common template for the summary pages of the EPC report is proposed within ePANACEA, which implies a different format according to the target audience, i.e., one based on standard conditions, addressed to the administration/regulation/policy makers, another one, based on actual operational conditions, addressed to end users.

The conclusions elaborated from this process will be discussed with key stakeholders in the context of the first round of the five ePANACEA Regional Exploitation Boards meetings, as well as through the 1st workshop on user perceptions that will be conducted in the five pilot countries (Austria, Belgium, Finland, Greece, Spain).

Download the report here

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