Action Cluster meeting Sustainable Built Environment: The construction value chain responding to the climate and environmental challenges

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Jack Corscadden

2335 Last modified by the author on 28/10/2021 - 17:20
Action Cluster meeting Sustainable Built Environment: The construction value chain responding to the climate and environmental challenges

The Action Clusters Sustainable Built Environment of the Smart Cities Marketplace welcome Smart City enthusiasts, AC members and all interested stakeholders to take part in their bi-annual meeting round. The main challenge in ‘Sustainable Built Environment’ is to reduce energy use, environmental impact, and carbon footprint, entail competitive industries for jobs and growth and at the same time ensure societal and social development and the well-being of citizens.

The meeting will focus on the construction value chain responding to the climate and environmental challenges: district heating and cooling by Aksana Krasatsenka (Euroheat and Power) and deep retrofitting by Sergio Olivero (Politecnico di Torino), but also exciting new developments in the Brussels Tivoli district. Daniele Vettorato (EURAC) presents an analysis of tools and methods for developing Positive Energy Districts by COST Action 19126 and IEA Annex 83. 

Register here to be part of the meeting.

  • 14.30 Welcome & setting the scene – Paul Cartuyvels (Bouygues Europe), Action Cluster Chair
  • 14.45 Keynotes with Q&A
  • 14.45-15.15 Aksana Krasatsenka (Euroheat & Power) - Updates on the DHC initiative and ongoing activities within Celsius 2.0
  • 15.15-15.45 Sergio Olivero (Politecnico di Torino) - Building Retrofit and Renewable Energy Communities for the Energy Transition
  • 15.45-16.15 Coffee break
  • 16.15-16.30 Video presentation Tivoli district in Brussels (
  • 16.30-17.00 Daniele Vettorato (EURAC) – Analysis of guidance and tools for PED development: updates from COST Action 19126 and IEA Annex 83
  • 17.00 Discussion & Conclusions

Looking forward to welcoming you on November 2!

2 November 2021 I 14:30 to 17:30 CET

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