Use Construction21 [former version]

How to use Construction21

You are interested on sustainable buildings issues and want to share information with your peers on Construction21? To help you to use this social network dedicated to buildind professionals, here are the most frequently asked questions.

Why register?

Any web visitor can freely access to Construction21 news, members and case studies section and read all contents displayed. Regarding communities, you can only see public contents (parametered by each author).

To publish some contents (news, case studies) or join the communities about your favorite topics, you need to register on Construction21. That's free and takes only a few seconds.  

How to register (pdf) - How to register (video)

How to publish a news?

Check your are logged in then select the menu “News” / “add your article”. Enter your text with eventually pictures, videos, … and please follow the editorial line (INFO, not adds!). It will be published after moderation by Construction21 team.

How to publish a news (pdf) - How to publish a news (video)

How to publish a case study?

Via Construction21 database, you can display your exemplary buildings through the whole Europe. Select the menu “case study” / “add your case study-expert”, insert the basic information about your building, including a first picture and validate. Then you can complete the other information at your rhythm. To get back to your case study, click on “my page” and “modify” besides the case study you want to complete.

How to publish a case study (pdf) - How to publish a case study (video)

How to contribute to a community?

A Construction21 thematic community is a place where you can follow or share information with other professionals interested by the same topic, under the animation of an expert of this topic.

You can then publish some contents as soon as you have joined the community. Just select the type of contents you want to add (document to upload, article, bookmark, event, forum, RSS feed) and the click on “add”. The fill in the form and select the visibility level of your content (private, community members only, public).
