The clustering effect: replicating CITyFiED technologies in 11 city districts

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820 Last modified by the author on 11/05/2016 - 11:26
The clustering effect: replicating CITyFiED technologies in 11 city districts

The project’s model for evaluation of replication potential is a framework to help CITyFiED city cluster to review their individual replication potential of the technologies implemented on the demo sites. 

One part of the model consists of a quantitative approach, where the current energy demand and supply including energy sources and smart grid solutions are analysed. The model also includes qualitative methods for investigating non-technological barriers and possibilities as well as possible business models for retrofitting. The CITyFiED demonstration cases, Lund and Valladolid have been used as case cities during the development of the model.

The deployment of the model in the 11 city districts of the CITyFiED city cluster is an ongoing process throughout the duration of the project.  As a first step, the cities were invited to select their “CITyFiED district” and collect as much background energy data for this district as possible. Several cities have organised workshops or interview sessions on the non-technological barriers and a first workshop has been held with city representatives on the concept of business models.

Adjusting the replication model in cooperation with the city partners

One of the first outcomes of deploying the model was that collecting relevant data from existing buildings proved to be more challenging than anticipated.  In order to address this, the CITyFiED team are now working to find a better streamlined approach that will be possible to deploy in all the cities in the geographically widespread city cluster. Despite these methodological challenges, it is already clear that the energy saving potentials of the partner cities are as promising as originally anticipated. The revised methodology will assist in putting more precise number to this potential. 

A workshop on the CITyFiED business model concept and a questionnaire concerning potential business models showed that the stakeholders associated to CITyFiED were not as familiar with different aspects of business models as was originally anticipated. The workshop identified a need for a more knowledge on the business model approach and different strategies on how to involve the right stakeholders. This is therefore going to be further addressed within the project.

Lack of investment a major challenge to overcome for energy efficiency

The methodology for identifying barriers and solutions for energy retrofitting has been deployed in six of the selected cities, primarily through workshops and individual interviews with stakeholders.  A reoccurring topic in the discussions is the lack of investments for retrofitting projects as well as the long pay- back time for many of the energy savings measures. Measures to overcome this are frequently closely connected to ownership structure and social acceptance. The ownership structure for housing in Europe is very fragmented, with a high level of individual ownership. The change from individual thinking to community thinking is also challenging. Social issues such as non-homogeneity of districts and buildings in terms of type/age/current energy efficiency of houses in one city area and in term of demography (age) of the population living there also needs to be addressed. More detailed conclusions from the cities will be presented ahead. 

Jeanette Green, IVL

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